
行业: 旅游
阶段: 天使期
地域: 北京市
融资方式: 股权融资(700万)
寻找: 风险投资、个人投资者、天使投资人、债权投资机构等



FindAir was established in 2016 with the objective of utilizing artificial intelligence in online-ticket-booking to create a system that will find the lowest air fare in real time.

The Opportunity
In 2017 alone 4.1 Billion passengers traveled on 280 Million flights generating $754 Billion in revenue from flight tickets alone (an increase of 8.1% from 2016). Over the last decade the average person’s flight frequency grew from once every 43 weeks to once every 22 weeks. The number of travelers is constantly increasing with passengers searching for the least expensive travel option, but the existing industry capabilities have reached a limit in the ability to provide inexpensive airfare to all. To cater to this need, a group of travel agents joined AI experts to build a platform that combines advanced machine learning with 3 decades of industry expertise to offer the lowest air fare possible.

Our Solution
Ticket prices vary; at any given moment, the same flight can be purchased for a different price. There are a multitude of data points that determine the price of an airline ticket - from the destination, time of day, duration of flight and availability on the plane to the passenger’s IP and ticket class. FindAir utilizes the most advanced artificial intelligence capabilities to aggregate all these data points and calculate the least expensive ticket price – in real time – providing an online ticket purchasing experience that is more efficient than any other flight ticketing solution on the market.
机票价格各不相同,在任何特定时刻,统一机票的价格可能有所不同。我们可以通过许多数据因素来确定机票价格 – 比如目的地,预定机票时间段的不同,飞行时间到乘客的所在地和仓位等级的不同。 “FindAir”利用最先进的人工智能来汇总所有这些数据因素并实时计算最便宜的机票价格 - 提供比市场上任何其他现有方案更高效的在线购票体验。

Business Model
The flight-ticketing world is commission based with a percentage of the commission going to the ticket vendor. FindAir’s revenue is currently based on two models – either affiliate from Online Travel Agent (OTA) or Global Distribution System (GDS) commission - depending on whether we can find the best price in our system or whether we direct the sell to an OTA. We believe that the GDS to OTA ratio will increase in our favor as our algorithm becomes stronger (by being exposed to growing amounts of data) increasing our revenue by 50% YOY.
Commissions can start with a set price of $7-8 for short routes and can go up to 20% of the ticket price for a business class ticket ordered directly from our GDS, a revenue of above $1000.
航班票务的盈利方式,基为分销商从售票中赚取部分佣金。  “FindAir” 的盈利方式目前基于两种模式 - 来自线上旅行社的联盟营销(OTA)或全球分销系统(GDS)中提取佣金 – 情况取决于我们是否可以在我们的系统中找到最优惠的价格,或者将旅客导向OTA。在未来我们相信,随着我们系统的完善,算法变得更强(通过获得不断增长的各种数据量),GDS与OTA的比率将会增加且更青睐于我们,我们的收入也将同比增长50%。


Market Size - Total Addressable Market
市场规模 – 可寻址性市场总量
Global travel related revenue in 2017 was estimated at $1.6 Trillion – this includes travel, accommodation and car rentals. Flight ticketing revenue for 2017 accounted for half of the global travel revenue and reached $754B and is forecasted to increase by 10% reaching $834 Billion in 2018.
40% of flight ticketing revenue comes from Online Travel Agents (OTA) and is predicted to go up to 50% by 2020. With the expansion of OTA to new markets like China and India – the online ticketing market is expected to grow substantially in the next 4-6 years.
2017年全球旅游业相关收入约为1.6万亿美元 - 包括旅行,住宿和汽车租赁。 2017年航班票务的收入占全球旅游业收入的一半,达7540亿美元,预计2018年将同期增长10%,从而达到8340亿美元。


Competition and Partners
The flight ticketing market includes four main players:
1. Phone or office-based travel agents – this group is still active in certain countries and within certain demographics but is seeing a consistent YOY decline. The main revenue source here is group ticketing and travelers over the age of 50. This group has a limited ability to compete on price due to their high cost of operations.
2. Phone/office or online ticketing through the airline – this group can only offer flights with the selected airline and on average are more expensive than the other suppliers.
3. Online Travel Agents – this group is relatively mature and includes strong players like Expedia, Kiwi, eDreams, and more. This group has a limited reach and is usually able to provide inexpensive options only in a limited geographic region.
4. Meta Search engines – this group is relatively mature and includes strong players like Skyscanner and Kayak - This group is dependent on the OTAs to provide an inexpensive ticket and is currently the leading solution in the market
FindAir’s algorithm aggregates data into a deep learning system that serves as both an OTA and a Metasearch engine and is dedicated to finding the lowest available fare.
1.基于电话或办公室的实址旅行社 - 这个群体在某些国家仍然活跃,并且在某些统计数据中看来,在同比下降。此类旅行社主要收入来源于团体购票和50岁以上的旅客。由于运营成本高,此类群体的价格竞争能力有限。

2. 航空公司直系的电话/办公室或在线票务 - 此类群体只能提供单线航空公司的航班,平均而言比其他群体更贵。

3.线上旅行社 - 这个群体相对成熟,包括像Expedia,Kiwi,eDreams等强大的玩家。但该群体的覆盖范围有限,通常只能在有限的地理区域内提供相对廉价的选择。

4.元(集合型)搜索引擎 - 这个群体也相对成熟,包括像Skyscanner和Kayak这样的强大公司 – 此群体依赖于OTA来提供廉价的机票,目前是票务市场上的佼佼者。


Gilad Shoham – Co Founder and CEO
Gilad has over 15 years of management experience, predominantly in online marketing - based startups. His background includes sales and marketing positions in commercial B2C environments.

Amit Bohensky - Co Founder and CTO
Amit is an Israeli business executive and angel investor who works primarily within the software industry. Amit had founded technology startups such as Unicoders, Focal-Info, Clinch and Zoomd.
Amit主要活跃于以色列的软件领域,是一位出色的商业主管和天使投资人 。 Amit创立了诸如Unicoders,Focal-Info,Clinch和Zoomd等技术初创企业。

Dany Kallmann - Co Founder
Owner and manager of Cosmos travel ltd. one of Israeli leading travel agencies, Expert in travel planning.
Cosmos Travel Ltd的所有者和经理,出色的管理和专业的旅行计划能力使得Cosmos Travel Ltd成为了以色列领先的旅行社之一。

Ilan Michaely - Co Founder
Managing one of Israel leading travel agencies chain, considered to be one of Israel leading tourism experts.

We are currently located in Tel Aviv, Israel. Our total full-time staff includes 3 people.

Capital Status
Phase 1 – An alpha has been launched with the help of $400K that was invested by the owners. The initial pilot - including working app and active users, has generated over $65K in bookings in its first month.
Phase 2 – FindAir is seeking an investment of $1,5M for expanding, the money will be used to continued go-to-market plan and commercial sales.
第一阶段 - 在业主投资的40万美元的帮助下推出了Alpha版本。初步试验阶段 - 包括应用程序和活跃的用户,在第一个月内达到超过6.5万美元的预订。

第二阶段 - “FindAir”正在寻找150万美元的投资已进一步的扩张,这笔投资将用于执行未来持续的市场计划和商业营销。找天使投资。




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